During daylight hours of summer months, fish usually move further from shore, making it even harder for bank fishermen. That’s when you need to think about bank fishing at night. Test these fishing tips for night fishing.
- Try banks at the ends of brightly lit bridges. Bugs are fried by the lights and fall into the water where they are eaten by waiting fish.
- Lighted piers can also be productive. Cast first to the edges of the lighted areas. Bigger fish usually skirt the edge with smaller fish in the brighter area.
- Other areas to try include beaches on lakes that have weedlines near shore, riprap banks, and wadeable slow tapering flats.
- Anytime any kind of fish has a bad case of lockjaw, switch to lighter line and lures.
- Also, wary fish avoid rhythmic presentations so erratic action will trigger more strikes
Stacey King is a member of the
Bass Pro Shops Pro Fishing Team