The best time to start scouting for next deer season is immediately after the previous season ends.
It’s a perfect opportunity to find and explore the dense thickets that bucks call home without fear of spooking them. All the signs of rubs and leftover scrapes from the rut are easily found. Main and secondary trails are also clearly marked.
It’s a good time for identifying terrain, types of cover, travel corridors, bedding areas, and feeding patterns in new places you might want to hunt next season.
Instead of waiting right before deer season—when it’s usually hot and buggy—go ahead and move or hang new stands, trim shooting lanes and figure out the best way to access your hunting spots. Stands will become part of the landscape—instead of warning signs to deer—before you hunt them next season.
Read: Scouting Year Round for Deer
Scouting deer means you have to know all the signs to look for. From food sources to paths to bedding, learn how to scout a deer just by your surroundings
By Larry Whiteley, Host of the award winning
Outdoor World Radio