Do you want to catch more crappie? Good anglers know the real secret to catching more fish is knowledge. Knowing the best fishing tackle as well as when and where to search for crappie will improve your success rate dramatically.
Crappie fishing offers something for every angler from tournament pros to toddlers making their very first catches. It’s hard to imagine a species of freshwater fish taken in more places and by more methods than the crappie. In all of their range, catching crappies on a jig and minnow below a simple bobber is a rite of spring. Yet in the northern climates crappies are the golden treasure caught through holes in the ice. Even fly anglers get in on the crappie game! And one thing everyone knows … crappie fillets are delicious! So now you understand the crappie’s Cajun name “sac au lait” – which means milk bag! Here are some great fishing tips and crappie fast facts to finding quality fish.
Shop Fishing Rods, Reels and Tackle at BassPro.com
Tip: Three Cs of Spring Crappie Fishing
Tip: 6 Easy How-To Steps to Fillet Crappie
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