Basic Outdoor Photography

News & Tips: Basic Outdoor Photography

BasicOutdoorPhotography blogWho doesn't like good outdoor photos? To get good photos time after time here are some observations that I've made. First, your first goal has to be to get good pictures. This may sound simple but let me explain. I'm an outdoorsman so my first goal is to shoot my animal. Good photographers are worried about getting a good picture first and then filling their tags second. Consequently they end up with more good pics than me.

The second thing is you need good equipment. Especially for scenery. But with that said, it is unbelievable the pics/videos that kids are getting nowadays with their iPhones. When I first started I had a 35mm. The big deal then was to buy lenses of adequate power.

It was harder to get good pics back then and I think you had to be a better photographer. You may of thought that you were set and got home only to find out that you had bad lighting or a bad angle. With digitals you can check and reshoot right away.

Also you have rapid shot options. Once in Alaska a whale started jumping and putting on a magnificent show. We dropped our rods and started snapping shots. My nephew had a good digital camera with a telephoto lense; he pushed a button and it'd snap pics like a semi-auto firing off. I'd try to time it and get a good shot with each jump with my 35mm. He had an option of probably 60 great shots and I only turned up with one. It's a great shot, but it's still only one.

So now with digital cameras it is so much easier to get good pics. Even with a cheaper digital you'll still be able to take some good trophy shots. But for far away scenery you'll need to get a good camera and some nice lenses.

In the old days my 35mm with a telephoto lense weighed a lot so I didn't always carry it, but now you're crazy not to throw a small digital in your pack for all of the cool stuff that you see up hunting. Last year I found a bear cub that a boar had killed; my daughter and I got some pics of a cub up a tree when we were backpacking; and I've found cool pics of where bears have dug in trees, clawed trees and all manner things you run in to everyday up in the mountains.

All fish look better they're bigger. I remember as a kid we caught a 1 1/2 foot shark. We tied it up in the tree with a string and stood behind it and held out our hand like we were holding it up. The bad deal, my buddy didn't line up the string with my fingers so not only did the fish look small, I also looked weird.

So yes, hold fish out in front of you but don't over exaggerate. Take shots from different angles. You never know which one will look great. On deer, moose and so forth, set back behind the horns.