Robert Loewendick News & Tips

News & Tips: 7 Safety Tips You Need to See Before Your Next Fall Hike...

7 Safety Tips You Need to See Before Your Next Fall Hike

The rain ended an hour before daylight, but the ground and brightly-colored leaf litter covering the forest floor…
News & Tips: Tips to Prevent Autumn Campfires From Turning into Wildfires...

Tips to Prevent Autumn Campfires From Turning into Wildfires

Tough to find a more pleasing experience than sitting around a cozy campfire during autumn. However, campfires can also…
News & Tips: How to Turn a Rainy Day Into an Incredible Hiking Experience...

How to Turn a Rainy Day Into an Incredible Hiking Experience

Arrive at any trailhead, even popular ones, on a rainy day and your vehicle will likely be the only one there. Rainy…
News & Tips: Primitive Camping: How & Where to Camp For Free...

Primitive Camping: How & Where to Camp For Free

For some campers, the thirst for “getting away from it all” is not quenched by spending a night in a developed…
News & Tips: 5 Ways to Avoid Crowds on Day Hikes

5 Ways to Avoid Crowds on Day Hikes

    The popular sport of day hiking continues to attract those looking for a bit of adventure with limited time. On…
News & Tips: 5 Tips for an Efficient Camp Kitchen

5 Tips for an Efficient Camp Kitchen

Camp cooking is an extension of the line of fun had while camping. For some campers, cooking over an open fire with…
Two hikers on a day hike

5 Essential Items for Every Daypack

Day hiking for most folks is a much needed, quick getaway from life's demands. An easy walk along a paved trail at a…
News & Tips: How to Easily Break Camp Without the Stress...

How to Easily Break Camp Without the Stress

The planning of nearly each camping trip focuses on the where, when and what, with only a dab of thought to packing up…
News & Tips: The Importance of Timing Your Hike Right...

The Importance of Timing Your Hike Right

Just like your mother told you before you left the house for an evening of fun with your buddies: "Be back on time or…
News & Tips: If You’re Ever Lost in the Woods, Remember to STOP...

If You’re Ever Lost in the Woods, Remember to STOP

    If you have ever been lost, you know the rush of emotion that overcomes you when the trouble is realized. At the…
News & Tips: 5 Tips to Keep Your Gear Safe From Theft at Camp...

5 Tips to Keep Your Gear Safe From Theft at Camp

As the camper from the neighboring campsite approached, his facial expression revealed obvious concern. He introduced…
People sleeping in a tent in a grassy area

3 Tips to Choosing the Right Tent Size for Your Camping Style

Camping tents come in dozens of shapes and sizes, designs and intentions. So do campers. I recently observed a perfect…