Waterfowl Gear & Technique

How to Hunt Blue-Winged Teal in September

Early teal duck season is a time for wiping sweat, slapping mosquitoes and popping shells at some of the testiest targets in the marsh. It's also when special know-how must be applied to hunt these fleet birds. They aren't difficult, but neither are they gimmes. Following is a collage of duck hunting tips on where, when and how to pursue these first ducks of autumn, which few hunters unexplainably do.

Where to Find Blue-Winged Teal

Long Distance Waterfowl Calling Advice from the Experts

Pulling ducks and geese over long distance is perhaps the ultimate challenge in hunting these birds! Working waterfowl that are in-close-and-looking requires great skill, no doubt. But capturing their attention and drawing them in over extreme distances of water, marsh or field is the supreme test for callers.