Big Game

4 Places to Hunt Big Moose on a Small Budget

Alaska and the Yukon are home to the largest moose on the planet: the Alaska-Yukon subspecies. But these hunts aren't cheap, running in the range of $14,000-$18,000. However, there are other places to hunt big moose for a lot less. While they may not be quite as big as the Alaska-Yukons, any moose is a huge animal, with big bulls still sporting impressive headgear. Here are some of the top choices for big moose on a budget.

You Didn’t Draw That Tag You Wanted – Now What?

I got some bad news last week. For the second year in a row I failed to draw a mule deer tag for western Wyoming. With two preference points to my credit, the odds were statistically in my favor, but the lottery gods didn't smile upon me. I was very disappointed, as I really thought this was the year I'd finally be able to go on the hunt that I've been planning, with a paid deposit in the outfitter's hands, for 3 years now. After a suitable period of mourning, I sat down to consider my options.

Booked Your Caribou Hunt? Now Make Sure You Have This Gear


Caribou inhabit some of the most deceptively rugged country in North America. From a distance, the tundra looks flat and featureless, but as soon as you set foot on it you quickly realize that there is hardly a flat spot on it. Every step is rough and uneven and will challenge you.


Where to Find Monster Mule Deer in North America

In all of North American big game hunting, a 30-inch mule deer may be the toughest trophy to bag. The reality is there just aren't as many monster mulies roaming the mountains, plains and deserts these days. Those that are have seen a lot of hunters and hunting seasons; they have survived them by being exceptionally wary and elusive. I've dreamed of such a buck for over 30 years, and such a trophy may be at the very top of my personal Bucket List.

Field Judging Moose

Moose are the largest member of the deer family, and a big bull is one of the most impressive trophies in the hunting world. As with most big game animals, field judging moose is very difficult, especially if you need to make a hurried decision. So if you've got your sights set on putting a bull moose, and your name, into the record books, here's what you need to know.