
News & Tips: Exciting Deer Hunting During the 2015 Rut: 4 Big Bucks Down!   (video)...

Exciting Deer Hunting During the 2015 Rut: 4 Big Bucks Down! (video)

December 8, 2015
The GrowingDeer.tv team is deer hunting during the rut! It's fast and exciting hunting with three hunters and four bucks down! First hunt is with Adam that finally tags a nice, mature Ozark buck…
News & Tips: November Bucks in Rut: Deer Hunting Action 2015  (video)...

November Bucks in Rut: Deer Hunting Action 2015 (video)

December 3, 2015
Deer Hunting with GrowingDeer.tv: Bow hunting rut action in Kansas and Missouri with big bucks in range and down! Then Pops gets in the deer stand and pulls the hammer back for a memorable opening…
News & Tips: Turkey Hunting on the Move: 2 Gobblers Killed (video)...

Turkey Hunting on the Move: 2 Gobblers Killed (video)

April 30, 2015
Grant takes the shot on this gobbler. From GrowingDeer.tv 2 wild turkey hunts, 2 birds killed! Both hunts are on the move! Grant and Adam are cutting and running trying to get in front of 2 gobblers…
News & Tips: Turkey Hunting: Never A Dull Moment (video)...

Turkey Hunting: Never A Dull Moment (video)

April 23, 2015
This turkey had a full stomach of acorns and wheat. The team at GrowingDeer.tv have 4 (four) wild turkey hunts on camera with 4 (four) birds killed over the special youth turkey hunt weekend.  Watch…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting Whitetails: Smoking One Tonight! (video)...

Bow Hunting Whitetails: Smoking One Tonight! (video)

October 17, 2014
Dr. Grant Woods takes his shot at a big doe he processes that night. When Grant discovers a pattern of does that have been feeding in a food plot, he and Adam go hunting for venison!  Then Grant…
Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops 1Source.com by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops 1Source.com...

Top Destinations for Bobwhite Quail Hunting

October 16, 2014
 “Dr. Babcock will be sick all next week,” the University of South Carolina bulletin board note read in the fall of 1926. The famous author and USC English professor predicted his onset of quail…
News & Tips: Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is Live in Memphis at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid...

Wetlands & Waterfowl Conservation Book Featured on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio Oct. 11

October 10, 2014
Plus, seminars by the authors will be conducted at Bass Pro Shops Springfield, Columbia and Independence, Missouri stores. Waterfowl Hunting and Wetland Conservation in Missouri – A Model of…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting: Sit Down, Shut Up, and HUNT (video)...

Bow Hunting: Sit Down, Shut Up, and HUNT (video)

October 7, 2014
Archery season opened September 15th in Missouri. Dr. Woods hunts this hidy-hole food plot. Pro-staff team member Seth Harker decides it is time to “sit down, shut up, and hunt” on opening day of…
News & Tips: Deer Season: My Biggest Buck Hit List & Tips on Food Plots and Tree Plots (video)...

Deer Season: My Biggest Buck Hit List & Tips on Food Plots and Tree Plots (video)

September 12, 2014
  Dr. Grant Woods prefers to hunt mature bucks by studying individuals in an effort to gain a pattern to them based on their behavior. Our Hit List is getting serious.  Watch this episode to see the…
News & Tips: Hunting Big Bucks This Season, Or NOT?...

Hunting Big Bucks This Season, Or NOT?

September 5, 2014
  Dr. Grant Woods shows video of a possible hit list buck for 2014. After a brief Labor Day greeting, Dr. Woods starts to introduce the 2014 Big Buck Hit List.  The biggest mature buck on the…
News & Tips: Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is Live in Memphis at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid...

Bass Pro Outdoor World Features The Young Guns of Conservation Sept. 6

September 4, 2014
    Bryan Burhans, deputy excutive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Brandon Butler, executive director of the Conservation Federation of Missouri. Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World radio will…
News & Tips: Hunting Whitetails: Be Ready Before The Shot Plus How to Process  Venison...

Hunting Whitetails: Be Ready Before The Shot Plus How to Process Venison

August 30, 2014
  Be prepared to process the venison. If you're doing your own processing watch Growingdeer.tv step by step video. This video is to help deer hunters as they getting ready for deer hunting this fall…