
Handful of sericea lespedeza in early growth stages, white-tailed deer will utilize this plant for food

Will Deer Eat This? How to Identify Native Plants

October 13, 2019
When creating better deer hunting habitat we all wonder...will deer eat this? In this video, 3 experts show us how to identify native plants. Then Grant explains the ones that deer love to eat. If…
Deer meat hanging on ice to age

How Aging Enhances Meat’s Flavor & Texture

June 25, 2019
An Age-Old Question About Aging Meat Arguments abound on both sides of the aging question with most of the debate centering around personal opinion and experience. Science tries to settle this…
Venison roast

Venison Roast Recipe

June 16, 2019
Try This Unique Cooking Style on Your Next Venison Roast Recipe Ingredients for Venison Roast Your choice of venison, 2-5 lbs Olive oil Cabela's Open Season All Purpose Seasoning Preparation…
News & Tips: How Prescribed Fire Improves Whitetail Habitat (video)...

How Prescribed Fire Improves Whitetail Habitat (video)

April 9, 2019
We use prescribed fire to improve native vegetation at The Proving Grounds. The reclamation process began for this 50 acre unit over 10 years ago to convert it from low quality cedars to better…

Tips on Springtime Shed Hunting

March 7, 2019
By Tom Nelson The still frozen ground crunched beneath my feet as I walked yet another heavily used deer trail beat down with hoofed tracks. The early March weather was typical for Michigan with the…
News & Tips: Hunting Challenges: Bucks, Coyotes, and Trespassers  (video)...

Hunting Challenges: Bucks, Coyotes, and Trespassers (video)

January 4, 2019
Late season hunting tactics: see the strategies we're using for this stage of the season (0:01- 11:04), then it’s to the trap line where we’ve caught our first coyote of the season (11:05 - 13:07).…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting Frogs and Food Plot Update and What it Means for Deer (video)...

Bow Hunting Frogs and Food Plot Update and What it Means for Deer (video)

July 24, 2018
It's one of Grant's favorite things to do In July: bow hunting frogs! Plus, a look at our food plots and what it means for deer hunting this fall. Join the conversation with other hunters and land…
News & Tips: Impact of Ticks on White-Tailed Deer and New Food Plot Tips (video)...

Impact of Ticks on White-Tailed Deer and New Food Plot Tips (video)

July 9, 2018
How bad are the ticks on white-tailed deer?  We've conducted three field tests to find out. Watch to see the tests and the results! Plus, sharing the steps to creating a new wildlife food plot along…
News & Tips: Tips for Deer Management, Shooting Accurately & Food Plots (video)...

Tips for Deer Management, Shooting Accurately & Food Plots (video)

June 6, 2018
Deer management means balancing the population with the food resources. Bow hunting is the method we use to help that balance.  Grant shares how he practices now for the best form/release for bow…
News & Tips: Deer Management: Fired Up For Better Deer Habitat (video)...

Deer Management: Fired Up For Better Deer Habitat (video)

April 16, 2015
The team at GrowingDeerTV shows why prescribed fire is worth the effort for better whitetail habitat. Watch this episode as they checkout areas burned late last summer for a growing season fire. Plus…
News & Tips: Spring Deer Management: Making & Maintaining Food Plots (video)...

Spring Deer Management: Making & Maintaining Food Plots (video)

April 10, 2015
The team at GrowingDeerTV shares the importance of keeping minerals out year round (begins :58) and how they are making a small food plot in an area that proved to be a hunting hot spot this past…
News & Tips: Winter Food Plot Combinations That Work for Whitetails (video)...

Winter Food Plot Combinations That Work for Whitetails (video)

March 5, 2015
Just as important as feeding deer is taking care of the soil. Dr. Grant Woods, Wildlife Biologist The food plot experts at show the best winter food plots that will feed deer in a…