Duck calling is definitely a work of art. I would also submit that it can be an acquired skill. I'm not as seasoned a duck hunter as others, although I love duck hunting and one of my New Year's…
Many waterfowl hunters have reported their best year ever in the duck blind.
It is certainly another banner year for ducks. With more than 45 million mallards, teal gadwall and other species winging…
This season started with a bang! The pun is intended. As a member of the RedHead Field Staff hunting team, I look forward to waterfowl season all year long. As much as I love to fish, watching geese…
By Dale D. Humburg, Ducks Unlimited chief scientist
The season's about half over. Ducks begin migrating south in late August and start northward in February. Late November is in fact about halfway…
Every aspect of our society has become so pigeon holed, we all have become victims of the cookie cutter syndrome. If we see it on TV, or in a slick magazine, we copy it. It is called mass…
Larry Whiteley, host of the award-winning Outdoor World Radio shares five of his tride and true tips for hunting duck.
Don’t ignore your gear until you’re out there trying to set everything up in the…
My buddy to my right dodged as the gun barrel of the guy next to him swung through his zone of fire and pulled the trigger. The echo of the 3 and 1/2-inch magnum waterfowl load pained our ears.
It was one of the best shooting performances on ducks that I'd ever seen, and from one of the most unlikely shooters.
It was Youth Waterfowl Day in Tennessee. Thirteen-year-old Rob Clouser was in a…
The canoe slides like a whisper on the river, just inches from a slick, muddy bank. Its two occupants are on high alert. The man in the front cradles a shotgun at port arms. The one in the back…
As an avid duck hunter in northern Wisconsin, I thought that I knew what good duck hunting was all about. I can still remember jumping ponds or sitting on the shores of Lake Superior working hard to…
The Delta region of southeast Missouri is home to thousands of acres of rice fields, many of which are flooded for waterfowl season.
Scott Downing blew a truly southern style highball call to a…
Ask a half dozen duck hunting veterans to set decoys for the same spot and conditions, and chances are the result would be six different layouts. Setting decoys is a very subjective "art." Each…