Cut Day at Lake St. Clair


Most pro bass fishing events have a charged atmosphere in the morning prior to take-off. All the anglers chatter and discuss plans. Media members interview them. Field staff checking on their anglers gear. It is generally a very fun atmosphere, but not this morning at the Plano Championship Chase Bassmaster Elite Series event on Lake St. Clair out of Detroit, Michigan.

Nothing tragic happened. The general mood of the pros was either relaxed if they already qualified for the Bassmaster Classic, down if they know they didn't qualify, tense if they are the two anglers battling for the Angler of the Year, or focused if they are in position to possibly win the event and make it to the Classic.

One angler, Skeeter pro Mark Davis of Mount Ida, Arkansas broke the mood of Sombertown this morning. He realizes if he does not win this event he is out of the Classic, but his mood was up and confident.No Molly Grubs, James Overstreet Image    

"I'm making a long run of about 1 hour, 45 minutes," said Davis. "My confidence is pretty high going out today. Now, this has not been an easy bite, but the quality of fish is out there.

"The only thing I am really concerned about today is the weather. A cold front moved in, but I don't think it will bother the smallmouth bass much. The wind is out of the north, which is not too bad on Lake Erie. Hopefully I can still catch them today."