Are you about to embark on your first fishing trip with kids? Prepare yourself with the following tips.
- Hooks are sharp. Help kids bait hooks (if using live bait).
- You need to be equally careful using hooks with lures. I recommend crushing down the barb with some needle-nose pliers. This will make removing the hooks so much easier and will do much less damage to the fish.
- Have a mini First Aid Kit on hand with things like antiseptic cream, bandages, etc. In case something happens, you're ready.
- Bring along some sunscreen.
- Check your local fishing license laws. Most states do not require children younger than 15 to have a fishing license. The adult, on the other hand, will obviously need a license.
- Most states offer a season-long fishing license or temporary licenses for a shorter period of time and less money. Check out this link, which has plenty of information to point you in the right direction for state-by-state licensing details.
- Have some drinks and snacks. (C'mon! They're kids!)
- Bring along a roll of paper towels to wipe the worm guts and fish slime off your hands.
- Pack some hand sanitizer to use at the end of the fishing trip or before eating snacks.
- Always have your cell phone with you. It’s just stupid not to! If it has a camera on it to help you preserve your memories, all the better!
Be sure to check out my next blog, “Taking Kids Fishing, Part 3: Picking The Right Fishing Gear.”
Written by Keith Wilson