2019 is the Drury Outdoors’ 30th anniversary and They Couldn’t
Have Made it This Far Without You, the Viewers!
To say “Thank you!” the Drury's purchased a 60-acre farm in northern Missouri, planted food plots, identified stand locations, and plan to hand over the title to one lucky winner in January 2020.
But what about the rest of 2019?
They have you covered there by teaming up with some of the hottest names in hunting to offer an incredible prize package every month. By the end of November 2019, they'll have given away over $33,000 worth in amazing prizes. You definitely want in on this celebration!
Tip: Check out this video The Drury's Are Giving Away the Farm!
The DeerCast FREE mobile app is the best place to register for a chance to win the 30th Drury Outdoors' Anniversary monthly prize packages. You'll also get the monthly winner announcements, including the lucky winner of the grand prize farm giveaway.
The grand prize farm winner will be revealed at the Archery Trade Association show first in 2020. You can download DeerCast mobile app and register for the giveaway on both iOS and Android devices. You can also click here to register for the giveaway online.
Already have DeerCast but don't see the "Farm Giveaway" icon? Activate it by updating to DeerCast version 1.1. The icon will show up on the right hand side of the navbar.
In DeerCast, you'll be able to watch hunting videos, hunting shows, videos of the farm as it evolves under Mark and Terry's management and much more. Learn about other ways to enter at DruryOutdoors.com.
Thanks for your support over these 30 years. We appreciate you!
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The Drury's Are Giving Away the Farm!!
Click here for full contest terms and conditions.