Fishing is about as wholesome and pure as it gets in the world today. I personally was introduced to fishing at a young age, when my dad took me down to our dock and waved a fish in front of my face. I have been hooked ever since, not just on fishing but also on anything related to the outdoors. I still thank my dad as often as possible for helping to instill that passion in me. I am also grateful for the bond that it created between us and the many great memories neither one of us will ever forget. As a parent, an introduction to the outdoors is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give to your child.
It is very important to know where to start if you're thinking about getting yourself or your family into fishing. The best way is by taking a trip to your nearest Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. At Bass Pro Shops, you will find yourself surrounded by the cutting edge in fishing and outdoor gear, as well as all the products that a beginner would need to get started. Associates who are experienced in the departments in which they work will always point you in the right direction.
If you are an adult looking to get started bass fishing, the best rod and reel type you can get is a spinning combo such as the Pflueger Trion GX-7 Spinning Rod and Reel Combo. This is a great quality setup for an affordable price. For a beginning setup for a child, I would recommend a spincast combo. Spincast combos are easy to use and hard to mess up, making them perfect for a child who is just getting started. A Zebco Bill Dance Select 33 Rod and Reel Spincast Combo would work out great, with good quality and, again, the undeniable plus of affordability. These rod-and-reel combos are just what any angler needs to get started.
Bass Pro Shops is full of fishing lures, which can make the task of selecting the proper fishing lure to use extremely overwhelming. There are so many great options, but in my mind, the very best choice is a soft plastic stick bait. The original model of the bait I am referring to is the Gary Yamamoto 5" Senko. Bass Pro Shops also has its very own model of the bait, which is called the Bass Pro Shops Tournament Series Stik-O-Worm Soft Plastic Jerkbait. These are both great options and work best when rigged with a size 4/0 Gamakatsu EWG Worm Hook. This lure is simple and works best when it is fished very slowly, letting the lure fall down all the way to the bottom and then lifting the rod tip and repeating, letting it fall back down. Now don't be fooled by its simplicity; the soft plastic stick bait also catches big bass and has been used to win bass tournaments, as well.
So take a trip to Bass Pro Shops and get all of your fishing needs taken care of. If you are having trouble finding any of the things mentioned in this article, just simply find a fishing associate and ask them where you can find the products mentioned here. There is no better time to get started fishing then in the spring of the year.
Each year, Bass Pro Shops holds the annual Spring Fishing Classic. At the Classic are educational seminars given by some of today’s top pros. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions and to hear some incredible insight on how to become a better fisherman.
I hope to see you there!!!