Member for
12 years 5 monthsHome: Forney, Texas
Family: (wife) Glenda, (son) Sam
Hobbies: Fishing, listening to good music, working with my students
Boat: Nitro with Mercury motor & Motorguide trolling motor
Angling Stuff
Favorite Technique: Power fishing, flipping heavy cover, spinnerbaits, top waters
Fishing Strength: never being satisfied on what I learn about bass fishing
Favorite Lake: Palestine, Cedar Creek, Lake Fork Texas
Favorite Species Fished: Black Bass Tournaments, crappie and catfish for fun
Likes to Fish: lakes in North Texas area, river systems like the Red River in Louisiana & Tennessee river chains
Career Highlights
Fishing 20 years in tournaments
One of the first NITRO Team members
Established Jr High & High School bass fishing curriculum in North Texas
10 years Pro Staff with Bass Pro