Steve Galea News & Tips

News & Tips: Traditional Archery: My Carbon Contradiction...

Traditional Archery: My Carbon Contradiction

I consider myself a traditional bow hunter. I love my longbow; I don’t use sights; I hunt from the ground; and…
News & Tips: Sparse is the Word

Sparse is the Word

Ask two fly tiers of equal skill levels to tie the same bucktail pattern and you're very likely going to see two subtly…
News & Tips: Hunting Snowshoe Hares the Hard Way

Hunting Snowshoe Hares the Hard Way

Winter in the north can be an awfully long season. Ice fishing, tying flies and the planning of hunts certainly make it…
News & Tips: Winter and the Traditional Archer

Winter and the Traditional Archer

In many parts of the US and Canada, winter is not exactly the ideal time for shooting outside. Where I live, most…
News & Tips: Fly Fishing: The Best Gift of All

Fly Fishing: The Best Gift of All

Christmas, we all know, is a time for giving and most of us will have done so with thoughtful gifts purchased with hard…
News & Tips: Give the Wooly Worm Another Try

Give the Wooly Worm Another Try

Years ago, I had an interesting conversation with a very good fly angler who routinely took a lot of big brook trout…
News & Tips: Traditional Archery: Cold Weather Comfort is Critical...

Traditional Archery: Cold Weather Comfort is Critical

This is, in my part of Ontario, the last week of the bow season for deer. As usual, it has been a week characterized by…
News & Tips: Traditional Archery: Bows Need Tune-Ups Too...

Traditional Archery: Bows Need Tune-Ups Too

Two days ago, I was shooting in my backyard range when I realized that my longbow had suddenly become a little noisier…
News & Tips: Good Tools Make a Difference

Good Tools Make a Difference

When I look back at the personal advances I’ve made in my fly tying over the last few years, one thing stands out: good…
News & Tips: Traditional Archery: Practice Makes Perfect Shot...

Traditional Archery: Practice Makes Perfect Shot

Last Wednesday, my deer season successfully concluded with the simple act of releasing an arrow from my long bow. In…
News & Tips: Cold Weather Fly Fishing

Cold Weather Fly Fishing

In Ontario, come November, all but the die-hard anglers quit fly fishing for the year — for a number of reasons. First…
News & Tips: A Good, Sharp Broadhead

A Good, Sharp Broadhead

A razor-sharp, well-designed broadhead is arguably the most important component in any bowhunting set up. One that is…