Member for
12 years 5 monthsHome: Kimberling City, Missouri
Family: (wife) Sharon of 49 years, (son) Greg, 3-grandchildren
Hobbies: Bass fishing, hunting and reading about yearly history of the Ozarks. I own Lefty's Pump and Drilling Inc. with my son, teach Sunday school and I am currently Chairman of the Board of Directors at Stone County National Bank
Boat: Nitro Z-8 with Mercury Pro XS 225 motor
Angling Stuff
Favorite Technique: Casting and spinning rods
Fishing Strength: Light line
Favorite Lake: Table Rock
Favorite Species Fished: Bass (largemouth, smallmouth and Kentucky spotted)
Likes to Fish: All area lakes in Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma and local rivers
Career Highlights
Fishing 50 years, tournament fishing for 31 years
Won Angler of the Year in four different circuits
Won seven bass boats
Placed in the money 70% of the time
Biggest Bass to date weighed 10 lb. 6 oz in Mexico on the Guerreo Lake
Taken 5 bass through the years over 9 lbs, each from Table Rock Lake
Board member of Table Rock Lake Water Quality