Josh Wolfe News & Tips

News & Tips: Solve Squirrel Frustrations with Sawmill Gravy (Hunting Tactics & Recipe)...

Solve Squirrel Frustrations with Sawmill Gravy (Hunting Tactics & Recipe)

It’s cold. A heavy frost rests solidly on the ground, covering every leaf with a crunchy film that even a mouse couldn’…
News & Tips: A Different Angle on Outdoor Photography...

A Different Angle on Outdoor Photography

When we think of outdoor photography—especially in the context of hunting and fishing—it’s often the bruiser buck,…
News & Tips: No Membership Required: At-Home Hunter Specific Workouts...

No Membership Required: At-Home Hunter Specific Workouts

If you’re like me, you detest the thought of going to the gym. The only thing that’s worse is paying the outrageous…
Passing on younger bucks and providing the right food sources can lead to more mature animals on your property. ...

Hold em’ or Fold em’: Playing the Hand You’re Dealt to Harvest Bigger Bucks

On an evening just after a full moon I sat overlooking a lush food plot.  The field was full of familiar greenery,…
News & Tips: Gear Guide for Shrimping

Gear Guide for Shrimping

Smother this little fellow and a couple dozen of his friends in garlic and butter, and you have a feast you caught…
News & Tips: Reality Check: Is Impatience the Reason You’re Hunting an Unfavorable Wind?...

Reality Check: Is Impatience the Reason You’re Hunting an Unfavorable Wind?

At least when you see the white flag you know you’ve messed up. Think about how many bucks you didn’t see while…