Habitat & Wildlife Conservation

News TRCP Donates $10,000 to Wyoming Sportsmen's Access Program

Donation translates to more than 40,000 acres of hunter and angler access in the Cowboy State.
News Release from the Theodore Rossevelt Conservation Partnership

SARATOGA, Wyo. – A $10,000 donation from the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Private Land Public Wildlife Access Program represents more than 40,000 acres of access for hunters and anglers who choose to enjoy Wyoming’s great sporting opportunities.

A Sportsman’s Encounter with Conservation

I work in wildlife conservation and sportsmen’s advocacy, an arena about which I am truly passionate. Nevertheless, I occasionally have days when I wonder why I bother.
Frustrations in one form or another – whether setbacks in the political process or the challenges inherent in educating hunters and anglers about policy issues – can make you want to bang your head against the wall.

Ballot Box Biology Bad for Sportsmen

At first glance, many of the issues facing hunters and anglers today seem overwhelmingly complex. On topics as diverse as ATV use to public land development, climate change to predator management, emotionally charged debates spring up at every sportsman’s gathering. None of these issues seems to have a simple answer.
I often am confronted by individuals or organizations asking about the TRCP’s position on the issue of the day. My answer is always the same: What does the best available science tell us?

North American Model of Conservation

Theodore Roosevelt believed that society at large, as well as fish and wildlife, benefits if all people have access to hunting and fishing, Hunting and fishing in North America, and the management of our wildlife and fisheries, are characterized by a unique and successful system of management called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.