Are You Taking These Precautions When Field Dressing Deer?
Rabbit hunters have long known that wild bunnies can carry diseases such as tularemia.
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Rabbit hunters have long known that wild bunnies can carry diseases such as tularemia.
Is there a Booner buck in the future for you? Or, are you good enough to get out there and rattle for bucks or do you need to find an old time rattler and pick his/her brain. Take this deer hunting quiz and find out!
If you're an expert at rattling in whitetail deer or you've never rattled up a buck this deer hunting quiz will test your rattling know-how.
At some point in your deer hunting career you will shoot a deer that runs out of sight before it dies. The seriousness of the situation can range from the deer running into heavy cover 25 yards away and falling, to a marginally hit animal that’s in no danger of dying, but leads you on a long chase to make sure that’s what really happened.
It’s early in our bow season. I’ve got my stands placed and have watched a few deer show up under it. I haven’t arrowed an animal yet because I’m being selective in terms of size. When it comes to deer hunting, I’m all about collecting enough venison to supplement my family’s diet throughout the upcoming year.
You can improve your odds of tagging a big buck this season by practicing the following low impact deer hunting tips.
Stand placement is always a tricky thing. So many deer hunting factors need to come into play.
One important thing I’ve learned over the years is to try to visualize what you will have to consider on the stand at the time of day and part of the season you want to use it.