Rainbow Trout

Trout angler proudly holds up his catch

A Place to Enjoy Trout Fishing is Montauk State Park

February 14, 2020
Like clockwork on the 1st of March each year, hundreds of anglers gather along banks overlooking streams, ready to kick off the start of Missouri’s trout season. One of the most popular destinations…
News & Tips: This Two-fly Setup Proved its Worth for Rainbow Trout...

This Two-fly Setup Proved its Worth for Rainbow Trout

June 18, 2014
Jeff Blood with a steelhead caught on an egg-imitating fly.   Though they lack the glamour of a dry fly and the rich tradition of a wet fly or nymph, egg-imitating flies are one of a fly fisher's…
News & Tips: Wild Rainbow Trout Eases in Fishing Season...

Wild Rainbow Trout Eases in Fishing Season

April 2, 2014
Long bank sections of the mountain stream where heavily lined with piles of ice, the frozen reminders of a severe winter. Driven there by high water during the flush of a recent thaw and high water…