North America


Gould's Wild Turkey in Arizona

October 11, 2013
First described by J. Gould in 1856, the Gould’s wild turkey is found in portions of Arizona and New Mexico, as well as northern Mexico. The population estimate in the U.S. in 1989 was fewer than 150…

Dall's Sheep Hunting in Alaska-Management & Conservation

September 27, 2013
Dall’s sheep are present in seven major mountain ranges in Alaska: Kenai, Chugach, Wrangell, Talkeetna, Alaska, Brooks and the White Mountains /Tanana Hills. Dall’s sheep have poor survival rates –…

Dall's Sheep Species Background

September 13, 2013
There are four subspecies of North American wild sheep Thinhorns which consist of the Dall’s and Stone’s sheep; and Bighorns which consist of the desert and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. More than…

Conservation in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

August 30, 2013
Located on Alaska’s North Slope, the 22.8 million acres of the National Petroleum Reserve comprise the largest single block of federally managed land in the United States. • The habitat provided by…

History of the American Wild Turkey

August 16, 2013
The wild turkey has been a staple of American tradition since the 1500s, but its survival has not always been certain. • Native only to North and Central America, the wild turkey was discovered by…

Balancing Energy Development with Fish and Wildlife Habitat

August 2, 2013
State and federal public lands hold some of the most productive fish and wildlife habitat in the country and are vital to meeting our country’s energy needs. • Sportsmen for Responsible Energy…
News & Tips: Fishing Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Southeast Idaho...

Fishing Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Southeast Idaho

June 17, 2013
Native Trout Adventures: Episode 6 The TRCP fishes for lunker Yellowstone cutthroat trout in a swift stream in southeast Idaho. Join noted outdoors writer Todd Tanner and TRCP’s Christen Duxbury,…
News & Tips: Fishing Coastal Cutthroat Trout in Western Oregon...

Fishing Coastal Cutthroat Trout in Western Oregon

June 17, 2013
Native Trout Adventrues: Episode 5 The TRCP fishes for coastal cutthroat trout in a clear mountain stream in Oregon’s Coast Range with Jim Martin, retired chief of fisheries for Oregon Department of…
News & Tips: Fishing Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado...

Fishing Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado

June 17, 2013
Native Trout Adventrues: Episode 4 Join the TRCP as we travel to Pike National Forest near South Park, Colo., to fish for native Greenback cutthroat trout alongside Robin Knox with the Western Native…
Fly Fisher fishing for trout

Fishing Colorado River cutthroat Trout in Southwest Colorado

June 17, 2013
Native Trout Adventures: Episode 3 The TRCP travels to southwest Colorado to fish for Colorado River cutthroat trout alongside our sportsmen partners. Watch as we fish the surface for hungry trout…
News & Tips: Fishing Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in Northern New Mexico...

Fishing Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in Northern New Mexico

June 17, 2013
Native Trout Adventures: Episode 2 The TRCP travels to northern New Mexico and meets with our sportsmen partners in pursuit of native Rio Grande cutthroat trout on a public-lands backcountry…
News & Tips: Fishing Redband Trout on the Bruneau River in Nevada...

Fishing Redband Trout on the Bruneau River in Nevada

June 17, 2013
Native Trout Adventrues: Episode 7 Watch the final episode of "TRCP's Native Trout Adventures" as we accompany our sportsmen partners on the Bruneau River in northern Nevada in search of native…