King of Bucks

News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13

September 12, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television You’d never guess the John Blaquiere buck, a spectacular Saskatchewan whitetail, was taken by an ordinary hunter. You can hear the story and see…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

Brenda Valentine's Snowy Alabama Whitetail Hunt Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept. 6

September 5, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television If hunting Alabama whitetails in the snow seems strange to people, imagine how winter weather short circuits a southern buck’s brain. Those were…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

A City Slicker Whitetail with a World Record Rack Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Aug. 30

August 28, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television Plus, the experts try to settle the debate about speed vs weight when it comes to arrow effectiveness. Think you have to go to the outer reaches of…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

Monster Mystery Bucks Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Aug. 23

August 21, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television Plus, the experts try to settle the debate about speed vs weight when it comes to arrow effectiveness. Some of the mightiest bucks in Bass Pro…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

Unforgettable Iowa Booner Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Aug. 16

August 15, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television When Mike Laux hung his deer in an old Iowa schoolhouse, the whole county came to see the gigantic whitetail with its over 200 Boone and Crockett…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

The Art & Science of Big Buck Persuasion on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Aug. 9

August 7, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television Ever wondered how you could lure a big buck from public property to your private land hunting area? West Virginia’s Jerry Hill did, too, and …
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

Rhineberger Buck & Rob Keck Missouri Whitetail Hunt Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Aug. 2

August 1, 2014
Rob Keck and Missouri deer. After a heavy downpour, Keck was doing a quick hunting tip from a Missouri deer stand about how big bucks tend to move within minutes after a good rain. Suddenly he…