Brook Trout

Trout angler proudly holds up his catch

A Place to Enjoy Trout Fishing is Montauk State Park

February 14, 2020
Like clockwork on the 1st of March each year, hundreds of anglers gather along banks overlooking streams, ready to kick off the start of Missouri’s trout season. One of the most popular destinations…
News & Tips: 4 Tips for Fly Fishing Early Summer Native Brook Trout...

4 Tips for Fly Fishing Early Summer Native Brook Trout

June 25, 2014
Like much of the northeast, western Pennsylvania has experienced a wet — make that very wet — spring and early summer. While the rain has put a damper on some outdoor activities, our mountain streams…
News & Tips: What You Need to Know for Fly Fishing the Popular Brook Trout...

What You Need to Know for Fly Fishing the Popular Brook Trout

June 19, 2014
I first read about brook trout in Outdoor Life magazine when I was 8 years old. Dazzling red, yellow, orange and cream spots scattered across a slate gray body painted a picture of the most…
News & Tips: Fly Fishing Fast Waters: When Hitting Rock Bottom is a Good Thing...

Fly Fishing Fast Waters: When Hitting Rock Bottom is a Good Thing

June 12, 2014
Last week I took the day off and spent some time at my favorite river. Previous experience told me the brook trout would be biting and, it being mid-week, I'd have the place to myself. As it turned…