Wapiti. Monarch of the Mountains. Cervus Canadensis. Elk. Whatever name you choose, dreaming about an elk bowhunt sends chills and waves of adrenaline throughout a bowhunter's body. And that's just…
If you shoot a compound bow, you know that your arrow rest is an integral component. You might have even found out the hard way that there's a world of difference between a good and a bad one.
The author's first bowfishing trophy, a nice 13-pound carp shot within five feet of the boat.
Despite over 20 years of bowhunting experience, I still hadn't ever taken to the water with my bow. I'd…
Today's archers have an infinite supply of accessories, especially when it comes to arrows and broadheads. With so many choices, a new hunter may be overwhelmed and left unsure of which product to…
Two or three weeks of archery deer season is the only time some bowhunters wrap their fingers around a bow's grip. Many bowhunters invest only a few weeks of random practice before opening day, and…
Turkey season is in full swing and, like most traditional bowhunters, I've long since settled on a broadhead. This was the result of trying out different approaches, talking to successful bowhunters…
The sheer amount of choices available in mechanical bow releases can be just plain intimidating to beginners and even frustrating at times to seasoned shooters searching for a new model. While…
The first week of turkey season has passed in my neck of the woods and the score is still gobblers 2, traditional archer 0. For some reason the birds I scouted have not shown themselves during my two…
It's the Missouri Turkey Opener! Adam and I captured some of the most unique and natural turkey action I've ever seen. Plus, we have Heath Martin taking two Kansas Rios with his new Prime Impact…
You don't need to be an experienced bow hunter to understand the benefits of a quiet bow. Noisy bows can, on the draw or release, alert game animals to the imminent arrival of an arrow and sometimes…
Here's a confession: I've never taken a wild turkey with my longbow. In fact, I've never even tried.
It's not the gear nor the difficulties associated with coming to full draw on a gobbler that have…
Bowhunting takes skill and practice, but if you're ready to ramp up your turkey season, challenge yourself to arrow a longbeard this year! Making a few adjustments in your spring prep work and bow…