Hello everyone, and welcome to part two of my series on cast net selection and throwing techniques and care. In part one I wrote about selection of a cast net, and now that you know what to look for, let’s move on to throwing techniques, and care and maintenance. Buying the net is the easy part, but the throwing is just as easy with practice and patience.
As for a throwing technique, there are just as many ways to do this as there are net companies. It seems that each company has their own throwing style with some subtle differences. There is the triple-load technique good for larger nets and confined spaces, but complicated to learn.
Then there is the half-load technique, which is good for smaller nets and much easier to learn.
Each has benefits, and some pick up the various techniques easily. I use a modified half-load technique that I like to call the dry method. With this style, I don’t get wet, and that is a good thing when chumming and even better when it comes to washing my clothes.
Throwing a net is much easier than most make it out to be, and often, the angler can learn the technique rather quickly. It is actually like throwing a large Frisbee and similar to a golf swing. With practice and patience, the technique can be learned in a single lesson and remembered like riding a bike.
Cast net care and maintenance is similar to that of the rest of your gear. Rinse with fresh water after each use, and never put a wet net back into the bucket except for the days it is thrown. Placing a wet net in storage for extended time will lead to potential rust and breakdown of your net. Instead, put your garden hose in the bucket and flush with water for a few minutes. Remove the net and let dry out of the sun. The sun will bleach the net and make the monofilament brittle and break it down. Never hang the net with the lead lines hanging off the ground. This will stretch the netting material and eventually tear it from the lead lines. Just lay it in your garage or your lanai; it will dry fairly fast in our warm weather.
Finally, every week when your bucket is filled with fresh water and your net is in the bucket, place a small amount of fabric softener in the water. This will soften your net and make it easier to throw. Don’t let your net soak for too long, as the softener can break it down. Soak for about 5 minutes, then flush with the fresh water until all is removed.
Hopefully you have learned a thing or two about throwing techniques and cast net maintenance and are ready to go fish and get ready for the bait. If you would like a free lesson or just have questions about cast nets, I provide a cast net demonstration every Wednesday at Bass Pro Shops in Fort Myers, Fla., at 6:30 p.m. So if you want to learn from scratch or refine your skills, come on out.
This is Captain Jon Fetter with Catching the Cure Fishing Charters saying, “May everyone enjoy the fishing as much as I do! Fish on and screaming drags!!”