You need to spend a little time preparing for a fishing trip, as it will save you a lot of time on the water.
To start with, I like to check out as much information as I can about the lake I'm going to fish. You can do this by checking websites for that lake. Find out what the lake level is, whether water will be pulled through the dam and what the water temperature is.Things like this will help you decide what areas you will be most successful fishing.
I also check websites for tournament results to see what areas, lures and weights are winning tournaments on that lake. Now that I have this information, I can use my lake map to highlight the areas I want to fish when I get to the lake. I can also get my fishing poles ready with five or six different types of lures that have been working on that lake. It also lets me know what kind of weight I need to be competive in a tournament.
Spending a little time at home doing these things before I get to the lake will save me hours on the lake when I need to be productive on a limited amount of time.
As I’m from Missouri, one of the websites I use is It gives you information on the lake and where the conservation department has placed fish attractors. Another great resource is 724 Outdoors, which features tournament results and fishing reports.
Fish hard, and be patient! Good luck.
Written by Herb Nagy