Deer hunting! We're back on the hunt for the hit list buck we call Slingshot! Plus, watch to the end to see a strategy that worked for tagging a doe...and keeping the buck in the field after arrowing the doe. The doe had an unusual hoof formation. It's an indication of EHD. Watch for details of the hunt and the safety of consuming the meat from a deer with EHD.
We had almost given up hope that the buck was gone. In a video a few weeks ago we shared a hunt where the buck called reacted to Grant's bow shot. Even after reviewing the footage we couldn't tell exactly where the buck was hit. Only a small amount of blood was found and even after spending 36 hours searching we were unable to locate him. Four weeks later Slingshot appeared back on our Reconyx trail cameras. Then while out on a hunt we saw him! Watch this video to get the whole story! #deerhunting #TeamOutdoors
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From GrowingDeer.tv
Grant Woods