by Pros4- 1 Source's Dave Landahl
Yep, the response to the Pros4- 1Source question "What was your best Christmas gift ever from Santa?" was so overwhelming we had to break it down into multiple articles.Today in Part 2, we delve deeper into the psyche of what makes these anglers top pros. Um, uh, wait, no, this is actually an article about the best Christmas gifts they've ever received. Sorry about the confusion. Read on and enjoy.
Check out the best gifts ever from these 10 Bass Pro's - LINK
Brent Chapman
"Every year my wife Bobbi makes a photo book of each of the kids. She gives one copy to the kids and one copy goes in our safe."
Aaron Martens
"My Mongoose mountain bike. It was my first real bike. I can't remember how young I was. I put a lot of miles on it in Southern California. It was chrome."
Brandon Card
"Probably a life-size Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle when I was a kid. A giant stuffed animal too."
Randy Howell
"When I was 14 years old, my mom and dad (Santa) gave me a four-wheeler for Christmas."
Gerald Swindle
"A lever action .22 rifle from a pawn shop when I was 13."
Jason Christie
"My first gun. It was a .410 break-over shotgun. Got me outside hunting year 'round. I was 9 or 10 years old."
Jeff Gustafson
"My best gift from Santa was an entry for me and my Dad in the 1993 Kenora Bass International tournament. I was 10 and it was my first tournament. "At that time a lot of big-name pros fished it. The Lindners, Bob Izumi, O.T. Fears, Terry Baksay, the Hibdons, etc."
Charlie Evans
"A Lionel model train when I was 6 years old."
Mark Rose
"When I was about 10, Santa brought me a Dukes of Hazzard bicycle. Bo and Luke didn't have anything on me. Son, I rode the tires off that thing!"
James Overstreet (Okay not a pro angler, but we all love his photographs)
"A golden retriever puppy my wife/Santa gave me."
John Crews
"Hard to say the best, but when I was 10 or 12 I remember getting a four-wheeler and was super jacked. I rode the dang knobs off the tires on that thing."
Jacob Wheeler
"Back in the day when I was 3 or 4 I loved trains. Dad/Santa got me a complete train track with everything."
JT Kenney
"Favor coupons from my girlfriend."
Luke Clausen
"My wife has a Mrs. Claus outfit."
Greg Hackney
"There have been so many, but since I'm picking one when I was 8 Santa gave me a Go Cart. I ran the tires off it. "I also got an Evel Kinevil helmet, American Flag edition. I was badass."
Dave Lefebre
"It's nothing major, but the first thing that popped into my mind was this. I got a long wooden thing a few years ago that looked like a cat arm. I didn't even know what it was at first. I was quickly informed that it was a back scratcher. It disappeared for years, my wife stuck it in a drawer by my bed. "All of my life I've never had an itch I couldn't scratch until just the other day. I was going to be the death of me. I was home alone looking for a corner or something to rub my back against when it dawned on me, 'where is that cat arm thing?' "I looked everywhere and finally found it in my nightstand. Of course my back didn't itch anymore by that time, but if it ever happens again at that moment that back scratcher will be the best gift I ever received from Santa."