by Pros4- 1Source's Dave Landahl
Ott DeFoe is having one heckuva run on the Bassmaster Elite Series. It all started last year with his first Elite Series victory and then continued into the 2017 season leading the Angler of the Year (AOY) points race after a couple of events. DeFoe is surely one of the top pros in pro fishing.
So, what does a top pro do when they have a bit of free time on their hands? Well, they take on potentially the greatest challenge yet in their career. What is that you ask? Why, answering Three Questions from Pros4-1Source, of course.
DL - What is your most embarrassing memory while fishing a tournament?
OD - This is embarrassing, but more of a regret or a bad judgement call. Anyways, I was fishing a BFL (Bass Fishing League) regional event on Kerr Lake (located on the border of North Carolina and Virginia) fishing way up a river.
It was really shallow up there. Maybe 4-foot deep at maximum. Anyway, I didn't follow the correct path thinking I was doing it the right way. I ended up totally stuck on the bottom. Back then, there was really no cell service etc. to call anybody. I was stuck there for 5, maybe 6 hours until a buddy found me and helped get me out of there. That was pretty embarrassing.
DL - What is your favorite bass fishery?
OD - I have two. One would be Santee Cooper Reservoir in South Carolina. That is where I caught my first really big limit over four days. It weighed 94 pounds.
The other fishery that is my favorite is the Holston River in Tennessee where my family will be living. It isn't loaded with huge fish, but there are lots of them. You can take a jet boat or kayak. It's a real shallow fishery. I've fished it since I was 15. It is really cool and a lot of fun to fish.
DL - Do you prefer steak or dessert?
OD - Dessert. I am a chocoholic for sure. Steak is hard to beat though. I love to cook up a tenderloin, but I am addicted to chocolate.
I mean, a really good cheesecake is right there too. Or that marble slab ice cream in a waffle cone. Some dark chocolate ice cream mixed with marshmallows, Oreo bits, and pieces of chocolate, like you can get at a Cold Stone Creamery or other similar places. It's so good.