Big Game

Two Record Stone Sheep in One Day

On a recent whitetail hunt in Illinois with Zack's Whitetail Expeditions, I shared a camp with a couple of hunters from New Jersey. While shooting the breeze one evening with one of them, he told me about a great Stone sheep hunt he'd recently been on in the Yukon with Yukon Big Game Outfitters.


No "Off Season" for Serious Big Game Hunters

Although there are still a few late season big game hunting opportunities remaining in certain areas of the U.S. and Canada, for the most part, another hunting season has come to end. But does that mean that there is nothing to do except daydream about next season? Nothing could be further from the truth. Now is the time to start planning for next year, particularly if you want to hunt out of state.


Is Montana The Best (Lower 48) State for Hunting?

Now, declaring a best state for hunting is difficult from the get-go because it all depends on what we’re talking about hunting: hog, duck, turkey, wolf, bison? Also, we’ve left Alaska off of consideration because while there may be more game to hunt here in the lower 48, Alaska’s openness and public lands give it quite a hunting advantage.