Boat Launching in Winter Weather
January typically signals a hiatus in my guide trips, a break that lasts a couple of months. But it doesn't signal an end to my fishing.
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January typically signals a hiatus in my guide trips, a break that lasts a couple of months. But it doesn't signal an end to my fishing.
Any attempt to describe how to run shallow rivers is beyond the scope of this article, perhaps any article, since this is a classic example of experience being the best teacher. The trick is gaining that experience navigating a shallow draft boat without cracking a hull or smacking the jet's intake foot. The following tips should help you accomplish that.
Boat Navigation Considerations
Boating is a rewarding hobby and sport. Some of the best times are spent on the water with your friends and family while fishing, waterskiing or just cruising. Learning to boat and get around on the water is a lot like learning to drive a car.