walleye gear

Ross Robertson holding a large walleye

Proven Theories From a Walleye Fishing Guide

April 27, 2020
Spring Walleye Rise to the Occasion With unseasonably warm temperatures this past winter, many anglers already have their boats out of storage and ready to chase down some early spring walleye.…
Angler Keith Kavajecz rigging a jig

5 Cast Away Lures for Great Walleye Bites in Any Season

March 10, 2020
Nothing beats the feeling of casting out a bait and having a walleye smack it! Depending on the lake you are fishing, the underwater structure, and time of year, there are several ways to cast for…
Anger sitting in a fishing boat holding up a large walleye fish

Fired-Up for Falls Hungry Walleye

October 15, 2019
Right now, rivers are full of hungry and aggressive walleyes migrating towards their cooler weather hangouts. Fall is an awesome time of year to catch some great fish! These walleyes are on the prowl…
Walleye angler

Fishing With Slip Bobbers for Walleye

July 17, 2019
Slip bobbers are a highly effective tool for catching walleye. They are much different than a conventional red and white round bobber that is clipped onto the fishing line and restricts not only how…
3 non-trolling fishing techniques to score a few walleyes this summer

3 Fishing Techniques for Summer Time Walleye

May 28, 2019
by Pros4- 1Source's Dave Landahl Summer walleye fishing is often associated with trolling in open water, but for many, trolling isn’t always something to be pursued. So, for those of you not on the…
Walleye Pro Mark Brumbaugh by Walleye Pro Mark Brumbaugh...

Walleye Pro Mark Brumbaugh’s Tips and Tactics

November 11, 2013
Pure Fishing Pro Mark Brumbaugh offers BPS 1Source a glimpse into his ample bag of tricks when it comes to catching walleyes. Mark provides a laundry list of tactics that he might use on any given…
News & Tips: Tubin' River Walleyes

Tubin' River Walleyes

February 7, 2013
Gitzit, gatzit, river walleyes'll snatch it! Tube baits excel in a variety of late winter and early spring river walleye situations. Tube baits are the best bet for winter walleye fishing. The shape…