Fly Tying Tips

News & Tips: The Secret to Catching More River Trout on a Fly Rod...

The Secret to Catching More River Trout on a Fly Rod

September 20, 2014
I was fishing one of our local brook trout rivers the other day when I was reminded of something that makes a huge difference in fly fishing success – fishing current seams. A current seam is a…
News & Tips: 3 Keys to Catching Trophy Brown Trout This Fall...

3 Keys to Catching Trophy Brown Trout This Fall

September 17, 2014
Hooking a trophy brown trout this fall has a lot do do with timing. Fall provides great opportunities to catch trophy brown trout. Fall spawning runs from these elusive fish give dedicated fly…
News & Tips: Essentials to Get Started Fly Tying

Essentials to Get Started Fly Tying

September 12, 2014
*/ /*-->*/ Similar to purchasing the tools for fly tying, trying to decipher what the essential materials are can put a beginning tier into a head spin. Many of the materials available…
News & Tips: How to Make Sure Fly Line Knot Failure Doesn’t Happen to You...

How to Make Sure Fly Line Knot Failure Doesn’t Happen to You

September 11, 2014
I've got an embarrassing confession to make: I lost what could have been the best smallmouth bass I ever caught on a fly early this season because my tippet knot failed. Obviously, I can't tell you…
News & Tips: 3 Tips for Tying Hexagenia Fly Patterns...

3 Tips for Tying Hexagenia Fly Patterns

July 2, 2014
Seeing as the Hex Hatch is just a few weeks away, I thought it would be good time to share the three most useful tips I have learned over the years about tying Hexagenia patterns. These patterns…
News & Tips: Keeping Your Fly Outfit Clean & Functional...

Keeping Your Fly Outfit Clean & Functional

February 11, 2014
Keeping your fly fishing outfit clean, functional and nice-looking is not a difficult task, nor does it take longer than a few hours a year total. Even though this task is simple, it's one that many…
News & Tips: Tying the Barr's Spork Fly

Tying the Barr's Spork Fly

December 7, 2013
With so many different carp/sucker flies on the market, how does an individual find their way through the endless flash and feathers to the perfect fly? First and foremost let's get the idea out…
News & Tips: 4 Adhesives Available for Fly Tying

4 Adhesives Available for Fly Tying

November 12, 2013
Epoxies and cements like Fly Head Cement can bulletproof the heads of your fly patterns, preventing threads from unraveling. If you were to step into an average fly fishing shop and ask to see their…
News & Tips: Fly Tying Tips: Dubbed Bodies

Fly Tying Tips: Dubbed Bodies

November 6, 2013
Whether you are a beginner fly tier or a seasoned veteran, creating smooth tapering dubbed bodies for flies can be difficult. Some tiers believe that the composition or look of their fly bodies are…
News & Tips: Fly Tying with Biots

Fly Tying with Biots

October 1, 2013
One of the most interesting and unique materials to ever grace a fly has to be the biot feather. This one-of-a-kind material is actually a single feather barb from the lead edge of a primary wing…
News & Tips: What to Look for in Fly Fishing Vests & Fishing Packs...

What to Look for in Fly Fishing Vests & Fishing Packs

August 24, 2013
In order to handle the enormous amount of specialty items associated with fly fishing — floatant, indicators, tippet, fly boxes, etc. — a quality fishing vest is an investment in making your life on…
News & Tips: How to Tie the Stimulator Fly: Step by Step Instructions...

How to Tie the Stimulator Fly: Step by Step Instructions

July 26, 2013
The stimulator fly is one of those fly tying patterns that does not necessarily denote a specific fly, but more an arrangement of patterns to use with differing color variations. The stimulator can…