Braggin' Board

I have to brag about my catch on our trip – this 40” Muskie. The biggest fish I’ve caught and such an awesome experience!
Submitted by Brenden Kanies
How cool is this! A Moose checking out the future Bass Pro Shops Anchorage store. No doubt trying to find his way to the new nature area that will be next to the store. Photo by a future customer
January duck hunt in Robbins, California just north of Sacramento from Chris Cheng, the season four champion of the History Channel's Top Shot.
Photo was taken at the Bass Pro Shops, Kodak, TN store. and caught on an Alabama fishing rig
Pictured is the new Tennessee state record largemouth that was caught on Chickamagua Lake. Angler and new record holder is Gabe Keen (center holding the bass). Gabe is flanked by his Bass Pro Shops buddies, Johnnie Garrison and Mark Pappas.
The record catch weighed in at 15 pounds, 3 ounces!
Brad Bauer, Bass Pro Shops Base Camp Marketing Brand Specialist harvested this male coyote May 5th, 2017. His story & gear used:
My girlfriend and I had been hunting all morning for turkeys. I was not getting very good responses from my calls, and was ready to head back to the truck. Slowly walking through the woods, near the trailhead, my girlfriend spotted the big male coyote. He was about 30 yards away at this point. Crouching, so as to not be seen, we let the dog stay on his intended path. He came within the 20 yard mark, and I successfully dispatched him at 18 yards.
Hunting Gear Used:
Winchester Model 1300 Pump Action 12 Gauge
Bass Pro associate, Cody Mountain, Oct. 17th killed 10 point around 6:30pm on a soybean field in Hickory county. Shot with a RedHead XT bow using Easton arrow with 2 blade rage broadhead.
Bass Pro associate Brad Bauer's dad Terry Big T Bauer, of Springfield, Mo shot this 11 pt whitetail on a Private farm in Chillicothe, Mo.
Gear used:
Ruger Model 77, MKII chambered in a .25-06
Hand-Loaded Ammo - 117gr Hornady Inter-Lock with 50.8gr IMR 4350
Burris 3-9x40 Riflescope
Bass Pro marketing associate Jake Wittkop's cousin Nick Findley shot this buck on the family farm the last day of rifle season. Jake said they have worked really hard over the past 4-5 years cultivating an area in the woods to draw deer and had been tracking this guy for a couple of years. Their grandpa (the owner of the farm) was pretty happy to see the hard work pay off with this amazing buck.
When do they appear?
Frost flowers occur only in late fall after the first few hard freezes and while the ground is still warm. Their season is brief, and they disappear quickly on the day they occur, melting like frost when the air warms or rays of sunlight fall on the delicate structures.
How do they form?
While the plantsâ stems are ruptured by the first hard freeze, the root system is still sending up plant sap from the warmer ground. The sap pushes through the broken stem and freezes on contact with the cold air. As more saps moves up, it forces the freezing stream of white ice crystals into ornate, folded ribbons that look like petals, puffs of cotton candy, or snarls of white thread.
Submitted by: Bass Pro Shops, Springfield, MO employee Jodina Cantrell
Rob Keck, Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Podcast and Radio host. Rob and boys were in a South Carolina beaver swamp when this picture was taken.