In this series of videos J. Wayne Fears shows how he uses his ATV to maintain semi - permanent food plots with a base of Durana Clover, then over-seeded with additional vegitation for the fall and winter.
In this last video, J. Wayne show how he uses a backpack sprayer to apply a liquid fertilizer, RackVantage Food Plot Enhancer, at a mixture of 3 ounces per gallon of water. Make sure you bring clean water and don't rely on creel water with sediments. This can clog up your sprayer.
Note: This liquid fertilizer is to be sprayed on your plants after they have leafed out. J. Wayne demonstrates the product on the Durana clover for these videos. He will return and spay everything he just planted once it comes up.
J. Wayne manages his permanent Durana plot by following these simple steps on his ATV.
This process demonstrates how he manages his plot of Durana Clover, which is a perennial plant, as the primary species. This process will attract the deer and turkey you want. It is not like planting a typical food plot from scratch. There are several steps you must do, but if you do you will have a semi - permanent food plot that attracts game for years.