Learn how to make tasty ground jerky with this helpful tutorial from Cook with Cabela's!
5 lbs. ground meat (Venison or Beef)
1 packet Cabela's Jerky Seasoning
1 packet Cabela's jerky cure
1/2 cup cold water
1. Whisk together seasoning and cure
2. Stir in water
3. Pour mixture over ground meat
4. Mix until sticky, about five minutes
5. Refrigerate overnight
6. Transfer meat into jerky gun
7. Assemble jerky gun tip
8. Squeeze strips directly onto dehydrator tray, leave 1/4" between strips
9. Repeat until dehydrator is full 10. Dehydrate jerky 4-6 hours at 160 degrees F
11. Transfer dried jerky to paper towel
12. Let cool, then serve