Cooking in camp oftentimes require a stove. Here are some key things to look for when picking out a stove for your next camping trip.
How much space do you have when traveling and how much space will you have in camp? If space is limited but you still need to cook for multiple people, the Camp Chef Campers Grill Griddle Stove Combo may be the perfect fit. It's small and still offers three different cooking surfaces so it's capable of repairing any dish you need to serve up how many people are you cooking for.
If you're cooking for a large group, having maximum BTU capabilities and ample burner space is a must this will ensure that more food can be cooked at once and you won't be waiting around for the food to be finished. The Camp Chef Explorer Stove offers two burners that put out over 30,000 BTUs each making cooking for the whole family a cinch. When you don't need multiple burners, the Camp Chef Universal Output Single Burner is a great smaller option while maintaining high BTUs.
Needing something small and nimble forces the decision on a stove to something that has all the bells and whistles in one package and making setup and teardown easy. The Coleman Gladiator Series Two-Burner Hyperflame is perfect for on-the-go campers looking to cook for more than two people but still with a small compact form for convenient portability keep in mind these great options when planning the camp kitchen for your next camping trip.