Dr. Grant Woods News & Tips

News & Tips: How Prescribed Fire Improves Whitetail Habitat (video)...

How Prescribed Fire Improves Whitetail Habitat (video)

We use prescribed fire to improve native vegetation at The Proving Grounds. The reclamation process began for this 50…
News & Tips: Hog Hunting in Alabama  (video)

Hog Hunting in Alabama (video)

Hunting with GrowingDeer.tv: Grant and Clay travel to lower Alabama to chase swamp hogs! It’s a great bow hunt…
News & Tips: Hunting Challenges: Bucks, Coyotes, and Trespassers  (video)...

Hunting Challenges: Bucks, Coyotes, and Trespassers (video)

Late season hunting tactics: see the strategies we're using for this stage of the season (0:01- 11:04), then it’s to…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: Post Rut Strategies & Lessons from the Hunt (video)...

Deer Hunting: Post Rut Strategies & Lessons from the Hunt (video)

Tyler has a great encounter with a LOT of inches of antler during rifle season. Watch this very exciting hunt and the…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: Acorns on the Ground Equals Buck and Does Down!  (video)...

Deer Hunting: Acorns on the Ground Equals Buck and Does Down! (video)

With favorable winds for deer hunting the team puts tags on a few does. Then Rae gets in the stand to hunt a buck that…
News & Tips: Tips for Easy Fall Food Plots Plus Scouting and Patterning Bucks (video)...

Tips for Easy Fall Food Plots Plus Scouting and Patterning Bucks (video)

See one of the easiest ways to plant a fall food plot!  (0:00:59) Plus: meet the newest member of the team (02:11) and…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: New Bucks Patterned, New Strategies, New Stands (video)...

Deer Hunting: New Bucks Patterned, New Strategies, New Stands (video)

Deer hunting "how to" with GrowingDeer.tv : We're getting a pattern on some hit list bucks so it's time to hang a new…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting Frogs and Food Plot Update and What it Means for Deer (video)...

Bow Hunting Frogs and Food Plot Update and What it Means for Deer (video)

It's one of Grant's favorite things to do In July: bow hunting frogs! Plus, a look at our food plots and what it means…
News & Tips: Impact of Ticks on White-Tailed Deer and New Food Plot Tips (video)...

Impact of Ticks on White-Tailed Deer and New Food Plot Tips (video)

How bad are the ticks on white-tailed deer?  We've conducted three field tests to find out. Watch to see the tests and…
News & Tips: Tips for Deer Management, Shooting Accurately & Food Plots (video)...

Tips for Deer Management, Shooting Accurately & Food Plots (video)

Deer management means balancing the population with the food resources. Bow hunting is the method we use to help that…
News & Tips: Turkey Hunting Strategies for Strutting Toms  (video)...

Turkey Hunting Strategies for Strutting Toms (video)

Turkey hunting and bow hunting Kansas toms with GrowingDeer.tv. Watch as Daniel kicks off his turkey season with lots…
News & Tips: Firing up for Turkey Season and Prescribed Fire Tips (video)...

Firing up for Turkey Season and Prescribed Fire Tips (video)

Turkey hunting tips See the why and how of using prescribed fire to improve wildlife habitat. Then Grant and world…