My yellow lab Bella enjoying an evening of fishing and relaxing without the usual Kansas wind!
Submitted by Bass Pro customer: Lesa Maurer (Ransom, Kansas)

Watched this buck most of bow season; moved a stand and dropped him like a rock!
Submitted by Bass Pro customer Stephanie Trevino (Odessa)

Yummy Kansas pond bluegill.
Submitted by Bass Pro customer: Mark Westphal (United States)

Submitted by Bass Pro Customer: Stephanie Trevino (Odessa)

Best friends on the Jacks Fork River, Missouri
Submitted by: Emmilee Thomason

My biggest largemouth.... caught him on some nightcrawlers and a regular hook.
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

I caught this 10.5 lb. channel on some cut up bluegill. In Plattsmouth NE.
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Submitted by: Travis Werkmeister (Waterloo, IA)

Submitted by: Eddie Agostino (S FL)

Submitted by: Eddie Agostino (S FL)

Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Submitted by: Mark Westphal (United States)

Submitted by: Mark Westphal (United States)

Ryan bancroft 8 lb bass on a buzz bait
Submitted by: Ryan Bancroft (Louisville)

Ky lake fishing a buzz bait 7 lb bass
Submitted by: Ryan Bancroft (Louisville)

Another Day at the Office
Submitted by: Jose Sosa Jr (Chaumont, NY)

Me and the captain holding this Ling Cod (mouth full razor sharp teeth all the way back to his gills). Sitka, AK
Submitted by: Amy Rutzen (Colorado)

Landed this fellow off the cost of Sitka, AK. what a RUSH!
Submitted by: Amy Rutzen (Colorado)

Submitted by: Charles Shinert

Catch and Release Texas Snook
Submitted by: Ramon Garcia Jr (Browsville, Texas)

We had the best time floating with friends this day. We love North Fork River, Twin Bridges area and go there often.
Submitted by: Emmilee Thomason

On the North Fork River in Missouri.
Submitted by: Emmilee Thomason, Springfield, MO

On the North Fork River, Twin Bridges.
Submitted by: Emmilee Thomason, Springfield, MO

Camping on a gravel bar along the Buffalo River in Arkansas.
Submitted by: Greg Landers

Saguaro Lake LM

I caught this beauty on a Strike King Tri-Buzz!!! 8am, and she was in 1' of water busting shad! Just over 6 lbs!
Submitted by: Ross Prater (Katy, Texas)

I caught this 25-inch largemouth bass on a 5-inch Berkley Power Hawg in Florida. I let her go! "Catch And Release"
Submitted by: Andrew Bieschke (United States)

Submitted by: Josh Cook (Cincinnati, Ohio)

His First Large Mouth One proud Dad
Submitted by: Jose Sosa Jr (Chaumont, NY)

Nice pre-spawning female. She was tucked way back in some trees. Didn't even see her, just looked like a good spot to fish.
Submitted by: Christopher Roth (Colorado)

Fishing for smallmouth in a local pond when I landed this nice Walleye, didn't expect to see him in this water.
Submitted by: Christopher Roth (Colorado)

7 yr old JD Bowling from Buckhorn, MO killed this 29 lb longbeard on 4-6-2013!

Submitted by: Charles Shinert

Taken with his Dad youth weekend in Diggins, MO

Shiawassee County, Michigan
Submitted by: Robert Shelton (United States)

Submitted by: Terry Ivie (Missouri)

My daughter's first Black Bear!
Submitted by:Verley Stewart (Aspen, Colorado)

My Baby Doll's first Buck!
Submitted by: Verley Stewart (Aspen, Colorado)

Pic taken from one of our videos at Midwest Mayhem Outdoors
Submitted by: Jason Bisby

A couple decent bucks killed by myself and my father in law!
Submitted by: Jason Bisby

Dickson TN bird!
Submitted by: Charles Miller

Took him at 12 yards Matthews Switchback/Carbon Express arrows!
Submitted by: Charles Miller

My youngest daughter Savannah went hunting with her brother and got her 1st turkey.
Submitted by: Bass Pro Shops customer

Unicoi Lake
Submitted by: Jr Hurst (Helen, GA)

Submitted by: Jr Hurst (Helen, GA)

Submitted by: Jr Hurst (Helen, GA)

a few ounces under the state record
Submitted by: Jr Hurst (Helen, GA)

caught out of moccasin creek park on lake burton.
Submitted by Jr Hurst (Helen, GA)

lake burton moccasin creek
Submitted by: Jr Hurst (Helen, GA)

soque river
Baitesville, GA
Submitted by JrHurst (Helen, GA)

This is a picture of my friend Shelley who went out hunting with her husband this past weekend. She is 39 weeks pregnant and still going strong. They called in this bird on the last day of season. She could only sit against the tree for so long until her leg fell asleep.

Submitted by: Bryon Saffer (Granbury, Texas)

Who said women can't fish?!
Submitted by: Patty Castro (Rancho, Cucamonga)

Submitted by: Bryon Saffer (Granbury, Texas)

Caught this black snake sunbathing after a big meal at my wife's aunt's farm in Dallas county, Missouri.
Submitted by: Marty Luna

Good friends Paul & Tim hunting in Dallas County, Missouri was the first time since about 1985 that we have gotten a bird while hinting together. 6:43 am. 30 mph westerly wind and snow flurries. This tom gave it up, and it took most of what Tim has to get the job done.

Dad, son and the 22.5 pound, 10" beard, 3/4" spurs gobbler.Got him with a 18 yard shot
Submitted by: Heath Barber

Heath, Trip and Marty with Heath's 22.5 lb turkey harvested April 21, near Lebanon, Missouri.
Submitted by: Marty Luna

22.5 lbs harvested April 21 at 6:20am ish CT near Lebanon, MO
Submitted by Heath Barber

Submitted by: Juan Moreno

My 11yr old son's first turkey 4/6/2013. So proud to pass on the tradition.
Submitted by: Marlin Lewis (Barren County, KY)

Youth Turkey hunt
Submitted by: Dave Breshears (Central Missouri)

9 pound Bass
Submitted by: Joseph Rachal (Lena, Louisiana)

Robert's on left 4.5 lbs. Tony's on right 12.4 lbs. Date 03/28/13
Submitted by Robert Barnes (Lake George, FL)

Maverick Janes 16 yrs old, of Port Byron Ny, landed this 14lb 33 1/2 inch steelhead on the salmon river in Pulaski, NY, April 4, 2013, with his own hand tied fly he learned to tie at Bass Pro in Auburn, NY.
Ssubmitted by Kathy Gilmore (PA)

caught with perch rod and 4lb line. 34in and 12lbs
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

77 lb flathead caught at Truman Lake on April 1, 2012 on a jug line.
Submitted by: Brandy Tiller (Walnut Grove)

On 3 day hunt Lewis,Bobby and John had hopes of completing their grandslam.On first day of hunt weather report for next two days was not good so we hunted all day on the first and took these three birds seperately.Hunting at Little Lake Lodge with Bass Pro prostaff Bob Hayes in Okeechobee Florida

This was a catch and release.
Submitted by Richard Hennessey (Upstate New York)

My husband and i like to compete against one another while fishing ...i won today baby!..haha
Submitted by: Anna Odom (Moultrie, GA)

Last day of Canadian goose season and after we shot our limit I decided to snap a couple shots of birds flying over
Submitted by: Luke Hestermann (Nebraska)

Submitted by: Christopher Williams (Point Blank, Texas)

Whitetail deer eating birdseed after a winter storm in Somerset County, PA.
Submitted by: JD Pate

my 1st large mouth
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Truman Lake Crappie
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Landed this nice 42 inch muskie at Fellows Lake just few miles noth of Springfield Mo.
Submitted by: Bill Pilmore (Springfield, Mo)

Brian Klingensmith with a King Salmon from the Salmon River Idaho.
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Chankel on a crank bait
Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Michelle Bombs Bohala in 50 Feet of Water
Submitted by: Noel Roper (LA and Panama, Central America)

My little brother and his catch of the day.
Submitted by: Valerie Ponton (Tampa, Fl)

Submitted by: Larry Rowland (United States)

Submitted by: Pamala Shepherd (Florida)

Lake Ontario during a beautiful sunset. Submitted by: Jeffrey Froelich (Chaumont, New York)

45lbs Blue Catfish I caught on Cherokee Lake across from Cedar Hill Boat Dock, 2/24/2013
Submitted by: Mark Crooke (New Market, TN)

Their first trotline

Submitted by: Nathan Mcmanus (Alaska)

redfish :)
Submitted by: Valerie Ponton (Tampa, Fl)

My hubby
Submitted by: Valerie Ponton (Tampa, Fl)

This fish was about 42 pounds and caught off the southern Pacific Coast.
Submitted by: Vincent Parker (Sacramento)

All day for this?!?!?!?

It took all I had , I held up this beautiful fish so I could get this picture...Ill never forget
Submitted by Shane Roos (Montana)

My first Tarpon June 2012 FL Keys Andy was the Captain
Submitted by: Shane Roos (Montana)

Submitted by: Charles Enriquez (Surfside Beach)

Caught this 90# tuna on 12-01-12
Submitted by: Charles Enriquez (Surfside Beach)

He weighed in at 17 lbs and a little over 1” spurs.
Submitted by: Marty Luna, Data Analyst - Bass Pro Shops

Michelle Stones Nice Pargo Dienton
Submitted by: Noel Roper (LA and Panama, Central America)

We Found Silk Pargo in 200 Feet of Water. Beautiful and Tasty Fish
Submitted by: Noel Roper (LA and Panama, Central America)

Bass I caught 3/14/13.
Submitted by: Debbie Oswalt (Sibley, LA)

This is my largest Largemouth Bass, caught summer of 2012 in Central NY.
Lure: Jointed Rapala (2" Crawdad)
Length: 21.5 in.
Weight: Between 4-6 pounds.

21.5 inches, 4.5 lbs. Used Flat Top Jig and Craw Trailer.
Submitted by: David Hopkins (Dillsburg, Pa)

20-inch, 3.6 lb. largemouth. Used Zoom Magnum Finesse Worm on a Chompers Shaky Head.
Submitted by: David Hopkins (Dillsburg, Pa)

10 lb bass I caugt.
Submitted by: Jace Guidry (Louisiana)

Dan Stephany, BPS Altoona Receiving Manager
Late Muzzleloader Season
Jan. 1, 2013
180 yards made with a Thompson Center Omega topped with a Nikon Monarch Scope

Caught these along with two other on the Kenai River
From Nathan Watts, Sarasota Florida

Melinda with a goodun' in the kayak

5.02 lb Walleye, through ice in the mouth of the Trent River
From Rob Henry (Trenton)

11.5 pounds, 30 inches
From Jonathan Corell, Forest City, IA.

From Vera Hachey (Salmon Beach, New Brunswick Canada)

From P Limke (Mustang)

Anonymous customer. This 34-point buck was shot near Kansas, Okla., with a muzzleloader on the last day of the season!

Customer submission - I shot my first bull in Oct. 2010 in Norther Ontario. 57" spread, not yet scored. Shot with my Tikka 7mm Rem. Mag. first hour of opening day. What a thrill!!

Allen Treadwell and Jerry Martin simulate different shooting situations and practice shots coming from different angles with the clay target thrower.

Tony Stewart catching a bass in a Bass Tracker

From Jay Fowler (California) My 5-year-old old Bluetick coonhound just loves pheasant hunting.

From Melodee Taylor (Holden) 10-point Buck taken on family farm on opening evening of youth season, Nov. 3, 2012.

From David Desjean (Richmond, VA) 10-pointer shot in Louisa County, Va.

5ft Snake Vs. 1.5 pound catfish. Battle lasted about 5 minutes before it ended in a draw.

From Kerry Littig (Bluffs, Ill)

From Bob Hayes (Okeechobee, Florida)

Caught this largemouth on my wedding day! not the biggest ever caught but definitely the BEST day to catch a fish! July 28, 2012

From Bob Hayes (Okeechobee, Florida).This 205-pound,9-point buck was taken by young hunter Gage S. of South Carolina. Not his first deer but one of his best so far. Taken with rifle Oct. 13, 2012 on private land in South Carolina.

Shawn Cook's successful New Mexico Elk Hunt. Shawn is a member of hte Denham Springs, LA, Bass Pro RedHead Hunting staff.

11-point buck, 16.75-inch spread. Sot in Damon, Texas, On Oct 28, 2012, by Logan Maus.

Tiger Musky

From Lawrence Houghtalin (Deltona, Florida)

From Anthony Viers - Troy, Missouri.

From Jeff Culler (Arley, AL). 4 pounds, 19 inches. Caught Aug. 15, 2012

Caught a 6 pound Smallmouth in Northern Michigan

From Otto Gsell (bradley gardens, New Jersey).

From Cleatis Lloyd (Indiana). 22 inches, 19 inches at girth. About 7.12 pounds. Microlight pole, 6-pound test line, gold hook. Fishing for crappie.

Photo provided by Bass Pro customer

11-inch beard, 1 1/4-inch spurs, 27 pounds

From Dave Parsons (Port Colborne Ont. Canada). May 12, 2012. Niagara region, Ontario. 10-inch beard, 1-inch spurs, 20 pounds.

From Garrett Prechtl (Colorado Springs). 2012 Spring turkey from Miami County, Kansas. Double beard 10.5 inch and 9.5 inch. 14 yards with Franchi I12.

From Dan Taber (Tulsa). My bear hunt in Pecos, New Mexico this past season.

From Adres Gil (NYC). Caught in the Colombian Jungle

From Walter Rupnik (Breinigsville, PA). This 650-pound male black bear was taken in November 2008 with a single shot in thick laurel from 10 yards away with a 44 Mag. Smith & Wesson Model 29 hand gun. Boone & Crockett score 22 7/16.

Wayne Geiserttook this 24-pound turkey during the spring of 2012 in Illinois near the Wabash River.

From Ryan Nelson (St. Louis, Missouri). I caught this big Crappie while fishing for bass in Northern Missouri before sun up on (of all things!!) a black Zara Spook. Needless to say, I was shocked. She measured 16 inches. This is the biggest crappie I've ever caught.

From Richard Lachapelle - A couple nice slabs on a hot summer day.

From Nick Lauer (Michigan). My 12-year-old son with his first buck, an 8-pointer, in the woods. Doesn't he look happy?

From Justin Pastore. My twin 7-year-old boys each got their first deer the opening morning of the Indiana youth hunt. Rossi 410 single shot worked great for both of them. Very proud dad!!!!!

From Justin Pastore. My twin 7-year-old boys each got their first deer opening morning of the Indiana youth season. Rossi 410 worked great for both of them. Very proud dad!!!!!

From Lonnie Henderson (Laurel, MS). This deer was stinking so bad , that I smelled him coming, from a box blind 15-feet high. That's a first for me , they usually smell me coming. I took him at 9 a.m. on Nov. 24, 2011. Nice Christmas present.

From Melanie Schmitz (Hutchinson)

From Melanie Schmitz (Hutchinson)

From Clifton Link (Dexter, New Mexico). 350 bull taken in New Mexico public land (wilderness) with his RedHead bow in the roughest country you ever seen.

Maryland resident Wayne took this 9-foot gator with his Mathews Monster bow in September. He was hunting at Little Lake Lodge in Okeechobee, Fla., with BPS prostaff Bob Hayes. Had a 4-yard shot in a finger canal off Kissimmee River. Then over an hour battle with tusset grass to get to him.

From Joan Sebastia (Venezuela)

From Joan Sebastia (Venezuela). Caruachi Lake, Venezuela

From Anrews Gil (NYC)

From Thomas Murphy. 45-inch musky, caught July 11, 2012

From Joshua Woods (United States). Caught and released on a Double Cowgirl!!

From Joshua Woods (United States). 38 incher caught and released. Followed the lure for 20 seconds then decided to hit.

From Steven Newsom (Nashville, TN)

Jayden Murley fishing with Papaw

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

My 7 year old son Evan caught this 3lb Largemouth Bass on a Beetle Spin spinner. This is the largest fish he has caught by himself so far. He was very proud.
Submitted by Jeffrey Froelich (Chaumont, New York)

Enjoying the Cabin

Submitted by Michael Blasinsky

22lb red snapper caught in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida
Submitted by Bass Pro customer

large snakehead I hooked up on in Boiwe MD
Submitted by Michael Russo (bowie)

5lbs out of bowie md
Submitted by Michael Russo (bowie)

Sunrise on the Caloosahatchee River, Florida
Submitted by Michael King (Lee County Florida)

Caloosahatchee River largemouth, Florida
Submitted by Michael King (Lee County Florida)

2011 Hunting Season - Scored 187 1/8 - BC
Submitted by Bradley Stewart (Indianapolis, Indiana)

Submitted by Bass Pro customer Brian Andrews (Haw River N.C.)

8lb 8 oz largemouth
Submitted by Garry Pleasant (Moosup Ct.)

12' 8" 610lb alligator taken during the 2012 Mississippi alligator season.
Submitted by Scott Lemmons (Mississippi)

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Cravalle Jack fish
Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Redfish photo
Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Grandson Jon displaying his 3-3/4# smallmouth bass caught at Quetico Provincial Park the final night before paddling out to head for home in IL - Very Happy!!
Submitted by Bass Pro customer Patricia Strahl (Elgin)

Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Large bluegill on a Panther Martin
Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Steelhead using Panther Martin, Bass Pro Shops rod and Pflueger Reel
Submitted by Bass Pro customer

Submitted by: Erica Allen (United States)

Submitted by Rodney Layfield (Lower Delaware)

Submitted by Dalton Vinnedge

Submitted by: Matthew LeMaire (Gonzales, Louisiana)

Submitted by: Matthew LeMaire (Gonzales, Louisiana)

Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Submitted by: Bass Pro customer

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Submitted by: Otto Hough (Tallahassee, FL)

Pros4- 1Source's Steve Worrall with a nice late fall musky that he caught on a Super D Swim Bait.