47" Muskie caught by my good friend, Bob Schuster, this past June at Lake Rowan in Canada. Caught on a Baby Brush Hog while fishing for small mouth bass. This was his first fishing trip to Canada and first muskie. 

Braggin' Board Photo: First Monster Bass

Had taken my grandson on his first turkey hunt. Bagged a nice gobbler that morning. After lunch, went fishing and he caught this monster bass on a Zebco 202 and spinner bait. Great weekend for him and me.

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Tue, 12/04/2018 - 12:03
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Braggin' Board Photo: First Turkey

Took my 12 year old grandson on his first turkey hunt last April. One shot, one bird. Great hunt. Creating memories that will last a lifetime. Have a very similar picture when I took his dad, my son, on his first turkey hunt. Great tradition and a great bonding time for all.

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Tue, 12/04/2018 - 12:04
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