My 10 year old daughter and her first buck

Raleigh experiences the lesson that most deer hunters understand: patience is necessary to get your reward. On the last afternoon of the Missouri Gun Season Raleigh tags the buck she's been waiting on!Â

Seth Harker arrows a 181" buck they call "Stickers," the largest deer ever killed on GrowingDeer.tv!

This legendary southern Missouri whitetail was Seth's obsession all season!

"Stickers," the largest buck ever killed on GrowingDeer.tv
Harvested by Seth Harker.

Clint Cary, professional trapper, visits The Proving Grounds in Missouri and shares his techniques for trapping coyotes and bobcats.

A young buck we named Two-Face remains on my hit list for another year.

The deer came out early giving my dad his choice of several nice bucks in the food plot.

A cold front comes through Southern Missouri so Grant and his 83 year old father go on a muzzleloader hunt.

Trapping predators is important to ensure better deer hunting in the years to come.

Trapping predators benefits prey populations and rewards the trapper!Â

Bow hunting whitetails South Texas style. Mature five year-old buck.

Javelina taken with my bow in Texas 2014

It has been a productive trapping season on the Proving Grounds! Trapping predators like raccoon and coyotes is important for deer and turkey hunters.

These giant Kansas whitetails get a surprise visitor that puts the huge herd of deer on the move!Â

Piebald are mostly white because of a recessive genetic trate that causes a lack of or total absence of pigment. Piebalds do not completely lack dark pigment, have varying amounts of brown fur, and their hooves, eyes and nose are dark.

Raleigh had a slow morning but when 3 hens join the decoys and a bit later a lone gobbler comes in she got her long beard.

It's an absolutely legendary day for Adam, AJ, and Chad as their morning quickly went from bust to boom! Three turkeys in one hunt!

Adam grabs the camera looking for whitetails bucks with early June velvet!
Get ready for deer season shop hunting gear at basspro.com.

Checking on progress of a food plot where we installed hot zone electric fence.
You can see the difference in just 14 days.

We use this buck to show how to really know if that buck standing in front of your treestand is an older buck that is shooter or not!

Seeing lots of fawns in our plots means our traping program is paying off.

We caught a rare moment: a bobcat stalking a young buck.

My 16 year old daughter Raleigh and her first ever archery buck.

Rae (my 12 year old daughter) shoots a doe!

Rae Woods scores again - this time on a nice buck!Â

Last day Kasas rifle season. Aaron thinks it will be tag soup for him -- until a nice 10 point Kansas Buck steps out.

Deer hunting with 6 year old Trace and he shoots his first deer!

Trapping coyotes, one was so big they have to get a different scale out to weigh him!

Bow hnting wild hogs in south Florida.

My 13 year old daughter Rae loves to hunt

Seth to his son Trace turkey hunting on opening day of Missouri Youth season.

This Kansas jake was bullying the longbeards so Lindsey Martin put an end to that.

Seth Harker and his tom, day 10 of Missouri spring turkey season.

Chase White worked hard for this gobbler.

Early scouting for deer hunting this fall with the GrowingDeer.tv team!

His name is Chainsaw

Photo from my last Growingdeer.tv episode with Pro-Staff member Jerry Boden.

My 16 year old daughter, Raleigh, tagged a nice buck this Oct. 10 weekend.

A challenging bow hunt! Seth figured out the pattern in time to arrow this mature hit list buck.

Big mean sow

Adam with the turkey he harvested in NebraskaÂ

Lindsey Martin, she is on our Pro-Staff. Beautiful lady with a beautiful bird in a beautiful location!
Turkey hunting at its best!

Rae Woods & her dad with her recent turkey harvest

Missouri bow season, 2016 deer hunt, 8 point buck

Rae shoots a nice buck. But wait? Where did the antlers go? The buck shed its antlers immediately after she shot it!

Heath Martin strategically calls in and tags a mature mountain tom in Arkansas.

Chase makes his first turkey harvest at the proving grounds.