Legends Tour Diary: The Group Meets

Our group met at dawn for the first time at the Frankfurt airport after all night flights.  The good news was there was a driver in a big red bus there to meet us. The bad news we couldn't check into our hotel rooms until 2:30 that afternoon. As much as our bodies were screaming rest, our adventuresome spirits were chomping at the bit to explore. Legends Tour Diary Landscape We chartered a boat up the Rhine River and was fascinated by the towering granite castles,  amongst the miles of well-maintained vineyards, both defying time and progress as the river rolled on. 

Lunch was in a quaint old villa near the river with ancient grape vines adorning the canopies and open-air dining. I was enjoying the ambience of the experience with unfamiliar background music and other diners chatting in unknown tongues when a rocking blast of "Cotton Eye Joe" spit out of speakers someplace.  Legends Tour LunchThe tune and music was the same but the words were being sung in German. How is that for a hybrid culture? 

It took me a long study of the menu to decide on what to order.  Mainly because I couldn't read it and if I could figure out the words I wasn't sure what it was.  A "pig knuckle" sounded pretty wholesome and something I could identify with however I didn't expect it to be the better part of a hog's leg. Bill and I had enough pork to share with everyone. So far I'm digging these German ways. Two-stepping music and pig knuckles, what else could a country girl want??   

Pig Knuckles











Written by Brenda Valentine