
News & Tips: Hunting Snowshoe Hares the Hard Way

Hunting Snowshoe Hares the Hard Way

January 7, 2014
Winter in the north can be an awfully long season. Ice fishing, tying flies and the planning of hunts certainly make it more enjoyable, but sometimes even these things won't cure cabin fever. That's…
News & Tips: Bushytail Basics & Squirrel Hunting Tips...

Bushytail Basics & Squirrel Hunting Tips

September 24, 2013
Many thousands of words have been written about basic squirrel hunting techniques, and it's not my intention to rehash this information in great detail. My goals are, first, to share some basic…
Deer Hunter scouting

Dependable Smaller Caliber Rifles for Aging Deer Hunters

July 31, 2013
Experienced deer hunters enjoy nothing more than recalling grand adventures into their favorite haunts for big whitetails. Hunters with decades of experience spin yarns about deer camps, the…
News & Tips: Expert Advice on Choosing the Ultimate Deer Gun...

Expert Advice on Choosing the Ultimate Deer Gun

July 29, 2013
Selecting a good all-round deer gun can be a daunting task for sure. Some hunters prefer a super-accurate long-range rifle, but such rifles typically are heavy, with long barrels. If you must carry…
News & Tips: 10 Tricks for Sighting-In a Rifle

10 Tricks for Sighting-In a Rifle

June 25, 2013
Sighting-in a rifle is fairly simple if you follow a few basic steps outlined in a previous how-to article, How to Sight-In a Rifle. But there are also some tricks I've picked up over the years to…
News & Tips: How to Sight-In a Rifle

How to Sight-In a Rifle

June 6, 2013
Many new and even not-so new hunters and shooters believe that sighting in a rifle is difficult or complicated, but it really isn't. Whether you've purchased a new rifle, you're putting a new rifle…
News & Tips: Glass Bedding a Rifle

Glass Bedding a Rifle

May 13, 2013
Glass bedding a rifle conjures up all kinds of images — from slapping thick peanut-butter-like glue into a stock to dabbing a bit of glass to reinforce the recoil lug area. Which is correct? That…
News & Tips: Picking the Right Scope

Picking the Right Scope

February 26, 2013
So you've just picked up a fancy new rifle and you need a new scope to go with it. Or maybe your eyesight isn't what it used to be and you've decided that it might be time to finally put some glass…