Fly Tying Material

News & Tips: 5 Strange Fly Tying Materials that Really Work...

5 Strange Fly Tying Materials that Really Work

April 29, 2015
A common misconception amongst inexperienced fly tiers is that prepped materials are the only ones worthy of a place by the vice. Veteran tiers eventually learn that being creative and using unlikely…
News & Tips: Think Thread Doesn’t Matter When Tying Flies? Learn How to Pick the Right Thread for the Job...

Think Thread Doesn’t Matter When Tying Flies? Learn How to Pick the Right Thread for the Job

December 10, 2014
Many fly tiers won’t skimp when it comes to purchasing fly tying materials such as hackles or dubbing for fly tying but never pay any thought to the thread they’ll be using.  Other than the hook, fly…
News & Tips: Tying the Barr's Spork Fly

Tying the Barr's Spork Fly

December 7, 2013
With so many different carp/sucker flies on the market, how does an individual find their way through the endless flash and feathers to the perfect fly? First and foremost let's get the idea out…
News & Tips: Fly Tying with Biots

Fly Tying with Biots

October 1, 2013
One of the most interesting and unique materials to ever grace a fly has to be the biot feather. This one-of-a-kind material is actually a single feather barb from the lead edge of a primary wing…
News & Tips: How to Tie the Stimulator Fly: Step by Step Instructions...

How to Tie the Stimulator Fly: Step by Step Instructions

July 26, 2013
The stimulator fly is one of those fly tying patterns that does not necessarily denote a specific fly, but more an arrangement of patterns to use with differing color variations. The stimulator can…
News & Tips: Tying the Egg Sucking Leech

Tying the Egg Sucking Leech

July 16, 2013
From Alaska to Arkansas, the Egg Sucking Leech without doubt is one of the top producing streamer flies to ever come out of a vise. As good as the traditional Wooly Bugger has been to fly anglers the…
News & Tips: Spinning Deer Hair: Create Cool Looking Flies That Catch Fish...

Spinning Deer Hair: Create Cool Looking Flies That Catch Fish

July 8, 2013
Of all the techniques involved in fly tying, spinning deer hair is one of the most challenging. Patterns that use this technique tend to be large and involved, often scaring away newly initiated…