Survival tip

first aid kit

Be Prepared for Anything: What You Need in Your Survival Kit

January 4, 2024
*/ When it comes to being prepared for emergency situations, having the right gear and equipment for emergencies can make a world of difference. Whether you’re facing hurricanes, tornadoes, fires,…
News & Tips: Video Shows Lightning Nearly Striking Fisherman...

Video Shows Lightning Nearly Striking Fisherman

June 24, 2019
This is Why You Should Get Off the Water — and Shoreline — During a Lightning Storm! The best way to protect yourself and anyone with you from lightning is to avoid the threat. Summer is the peak…
News & Tips: These Tips Could Save Your Life: Lightning Safety in the Outdoors...

These Tips Could Save Your Life: Lightning Safety in the Outdoors

May 7, 2019
When temperatures rise outside, so do the number of people enjoying the outdoors. But the beauty of nature can also bring harm. And while spring may produce storms and rain, the summer is actually…
camping knife

Buying a Camping Knife? Consider These Factors to Pick the Best Solution

September 19, 2018
Is there a new camping knife in your future? To make the right choice there’s a lot to consider. Whether you’re a weekend family camper, a backpacker, or a hardcore wilderness survivalist there are…
News & Tips: 16 Winter Hiking Boot Tips for the Beginner...

16 Winter Hiking Boot Tips for the Beginner

January 26, 2017
Hikers love nature and getting outdoors away from the busy lives they lead. Communing with nature however does have its challenges, especially in winter for the beginning hiker. Learning how to keep…
News & Tips: Hunting for Survival in the Real World (video)...

Hunting for Survival in the Real World (video)

October 25, 2016
by J. Wayne Fears:   Before we get started on survival hunting tactics, there’s something you need to know. In all of North America, if you get lost in the woods—by whatever happenstance—it’s nearly…
News & Tips: Survive a Fall Into Freezing Water

Survive a Fall Into Freezing Water

December 7, 2015
It happened so quickly. The sudden plunge took your breath away. You lost your footing in the trout stream, ventured over a section of thin ice, or leaned out a little too far to snag the last duck…
News & Tips: Demystify Map and Compass With Easy Orienteering Tips Anyone Can Use...

Demystify Map and Compass With Easy Orienteering Tips Anyone Can Use

November 7, 2014
Declination, triangulation, contour lines, scale … with lots of jargon and no “on/off” switch involved, navigation with a map and compass can be daunting for first-timers. But it doesn’t have to be.…
News & Tips: 3 Surefire Ways to Filter and Purify Water When in the Wilderness...

3 Surefire Ways to Filter and Purify Water When in the Wilderness

November 4, 2014
“The Bloodletting on the Bloodvein.” That’s what my Canadian wilderness adventure pals dubbed our fishing and paddling excursion along the Bloodvein River in Ontario and Manitoba. We’d anticipated…
News & Tips: 7 Reasons You Should Use Solar Power to Charge Your Electronics...

7 Reasons You Should Use Solar Power to Charge Your Electronics

October 29, 2014
I’m a tech junkie, even when I’m out fishing, hunting or camping. But, I’m a dolt when it comes to keeping my electronics charged and ready when needed. Bushnell PowerSync SolarWrapI can’t count the…
News & Tips: 7 Safety Tips You Need to See Before Your Next Fall Hike...

7 Safety Tips You Need to See Before Your Next Fall Hike

October 5, 2014
The rain ended an hour before daylight, but the ground and brightly-colored leaf litter covering the forest floor remained wet. Rain water dripping off of the tree limbs was beginning to slow its…
News & Tips: Tips to Prevent Autumn Campfires From Turning into Wildfires...

Tips to Prevent Autumn Campfires From Turning into Wildfires

October 1, 2014
Tough to find a more pleasing experience than sitting around a cozy campfire during autumn. However, campfires can also escape the fire pit and become a roaring, damaging wildfire in only a few…